September 2024 AGM

Notice is herby given of the 2024/2025 Annual General Meeting


Tuesday 3rd September 2024 starting at 7:30 PM


The Green Man, Stanford, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom SG18 9JD




Attendance count to satisfy quorum

No business other than the appointment of the Chairwoman of the meeting is to be transacted at a general meeting if the persons attending it do not constitute a quorum.

The quorum for a general meeting is the lower of:

  • 15 Members participating in that meeting in person or by proxy or;
  • 20% of total number of Members at the date of the meeting

Every Full, Additional Member (Adult), Additional Member (Junior aged 13-17), Life and Complimentary Member, other than the Chairman shall have one vote.  P.S. Family Members have a vote each.

Apologies received from

  • Stuart k
  • Russ Brown
  • Tony Froud

In the chair

Colin Argent

Minutes of the annual general meeting held on 16th January 2024

See January 2024 AGM Minutes

Matters arising from those minutes

Acceptance of those minutes

  • Proposed by Sarah Drew
  • Seconded by Brian Wheeler
  • Carried Unanimously

Committee Members Reports

Treasurer’s Report

And presentation of accounts for the period 1 June 2022 to 31 May 2024

COLIN will present the accounts which had been circulated in advance at appendix 1.  Subscriptions will stay unchanged.

  • Proposed by Ian Drew
  • Seconded by Daniel Drew
  • Carried Unanimously

Secretary’s Report

Colin acting as secretary, no changes to be noted. Johns health is overall okay and he wishes he could be more involved still. The club appreciate all the help from John over the years. His Land Rover is still within the family and is now in the Isle of White.

  • Proposed by
  • Seconded by
  • Carried Unanimously

Membership Secretary’s Report

The web based renewal process has continued to work well. Existing members seem to have made the necessary adjustment and, for new members, it is the only way in now so they don’t have much choice!

The website produces reports which provide an overview of the on-going situation and the screen shot below reflects the situation as of 1 September 2024. From this you can see that this year to date we have had 21 sign-ups and 31 cancellations, a net decrease in the membership of 10 to 79 (last year as of the 5 December 2023 we had 89 members across all categories).

As of today those 79 members comprise 37 (41) individuals, 24 (31) familys, 13 (12) life members and 3 (3) land owners plus 2 (2) others (Chair and Webmaster). The numbers in brackets reflect last year. Whilst these numbers only reflect 9 months of the year I would also expect some fluctuation year to year and, in nay event, we still have a “hardcore” of members who ensure that events are well attended. By the way, All Time in the numbers below only reflects the period since the website has been functional.

I have also include in the screen shot below the membership movement by month for this year to date.

Looking forward if we can maintain a decent level of off-road activites I’m sure we will continue to attract new members and keep existing ones happy that they are getting something for their money!

  • Proposed by
  • Seconded by
  • Carried Unanimously

Competitions Secretary’s Report

So this will be a short report this year as the weather has not been kind to us and the majority of trials have been cancelled.

Quainton trial in September was cancelled due to lack of interest, as was Spellbrook in the October.

Twinney Woods in November went ahead and was very successful even if Mr Barrett did try and kill trucky truck in a mud bath! The Whitwell Christmas trial was a brilliant event with an excellent turn out and the catering making an appearance and kept everyone going through the cold with a good supply of bacon and sausage baps and soup

Nick and Neill did expert jobs with green lanes trips a plenty in November and December also.

February’s RTV at Spellbrook had to be cancelled due to another club suffering the bad weather and making a mess of the site, so to make up for this disappointment Colin arranged a last minute green lanes trip to Norfolk.

The next event was a green laning trip to Salisbury before the highlight of the year at the beginning of May, BHC on Tour which had a really good attendance and thanks to Russ for all the expert planning, everyone really enjoyed it… apart from me as my car didn’t even make it there and I had the shame of borrowing the wife’s to get us there!

The May camping weekend was cancelled due to lack of interest, but we supported the Whitwell Steam Fair at the end of May with a small club stand.

The Weston Underwood trial was cancelled due to bad weather, knowing we’re usually jinxed with this site, we thought July would be a safe month, but no! Simon came to the rescue with a green lanes trip to Surrey instead.

The planned family camping weekend at Codicote was cancelled due to the committee members not being able to proceed and unfortunately no-one else being able to cover for us, so all in all it’s been a disappointing first half of this year and hopefully we will be able to carry on with the events planned for the remainder of the year.

My ask is the same as previous years. if people could give me a commitment on numbers looking to attend each event in order for us to have confidence if holding the event is viable as myself and my helpers do give up quite a bit of time in the setting up. Thank you

  • Proposed by Brian Wheeler
  • Seconded by Paul Vernon
  • Carried Unanimously

Safeguarding Officers Report

No incidents to report from Brian this year.

  • Proposed by N/A
  • Seconded by N/A
  • Carried N/A

Social Secretary’s Report

Position officially vacant but Steve Woor has organised several curry nights in St Neots and looking to organise a Chinese all you can eat buffet evening on a Wednesday in September

  • Proposed by N/A
  • Seconded by N/A

Communications Officers Report

This year there have been little changes to the website, however the website is to be used more for events to help track the interest in the upcoming events, registering to the event on the website will help guage interest and help with capturing the membership nubers and MSUK numbers.

Emails will be pushed out a couple of weeks before an event and also when new events are added.

  • Proposed by
  • Seconded by
  • Carried Unanimously

Greenlanes Officers Report

Although this role is officially vacant, green lane trips to Dorset, Surry and Norfolk have been organised this year with thanks to organisers; Simon, Nick, Neil and Russ

  • Proposed by N/A
  • Seconded by N/A

Chairwoman’s Report

Well that’s another year under our belt!

As always there are the core of “regulars” at the heart of the club who attend the pub nights, events (when weather allows) and support at the shows. It’s also great that we have members willing to plan and lead green lanes, but it would also be really helpful if we could finally fill the committee role for green lanes… there would be more than enough members to support that individual.

Pub nights continue to have good attendance and with the successful quiz, this is something we will do more of. We had a curry night arranged by Steve and again this is something we will try and make more of a regular event.

Devon BHC on Tour was another success (Ian may have some choice words about that after his car letting him down, but I thought it also showed what a lovely community spirit we have in the club with all of those who stayed to help and re-jigged towing arrangements to get the trailer down there in advance of Ian and Josh stealing my car to join them!). Planning will soon be commencing for next year’s adventure.

We were again successful at gaining club stands for both Billing and Belvoir, which were successful even if Belvoir was blisteringly hot! However I can’t wait until next years AGM to mention this years Billing show which is a club highlight with us winning the club stand trophy for demonstrating the family friendly and fun element to our club by having the RC course and seesaw, expertly built by Rob and driven by Josh. Let’s see if we can have more good news stories in the coming year (and yes I will be wheeling this one out in next year’s AGM report too!)

As always, this is your club and we will always try and accommodate, so any suggestions you may have, please share with a committee member and we’ll do our best to make it happen

  • Proposed by Colin Argent
  • Seconded by Chris Woor
  • Carried Unanimously

End of Committee Reports

Election of Officers

Committee Members

This explains the position of the incumbent Member at the time of Notice for the AGM. 

Please see Appendix 2 for Job Descriptions for your information.

Any Member can stand for any of the roles below with the support of a Proposer and Seconder and use of the Nomination Form at Appendix 3.

Chairman / Chairwoman & a Director

Sarah Drew is available and willing to continue the role

Company Secretary & a Director

Colin Argent has stepped into this role and is available, and willing to continue the role.

Treasurer & a Director

Colin Argent is available, and willing to continue the role.

Communications Officer

Michael Hardy is available, and willing to continue the role.

Social Officer

This is currently a shared role between Steve Woor and Sarah Drew, both are willing to continue this role.

Competitions Officer

Ian Drew is available, and willing to continue the role.

Green Roads Officer

Neill Campbell is not available, he is willing to assist a new committee member with his routes and experience.

Membership Officer

Tony Froud is available, and willing to continue the role.

Safeguarding Officer

Brian Wheeler is available, and willing to continue the role.

Non-Committee Roles

Sales Officer

Matt Walker is available, and willing to continue the role.


All in favour of the election of officers En-bloc.


Any other business will not be discussed at the AGM.  At the end of the AGM a discussion will follow. Points raised for consideration will be taken to the next Committee meeting for consideration.

All business shall be deemed special that is transacted at an Annual General Meeting, with the exception of the consideration of the accounts, balance sheets, and the reports of the Directors and auditors, the election of Directors in place of those retiring and the appointment of, and the fixing of the remuneration, of the auditors.

Appendix 1

Beds Herts and Cambs Land Rover Club Limited

Accounts for the period 1 June 2022 to 31 May 2024

Income 2023 £ 2024 £
 Memberships£1,190 £1305
Trials£1,039 £535
Income £2,507.00 £2,208.00
General -£1202 -£321
Green Lanes-£55-£59
Card Payment Fees-£52-£62
Expenditure -£3,162-£1643
NET PROFIT (LOSS) (£657) £565
 Bank & Cash £2,900 £3,465

Appendix 2


General responsibilities for all officers include assisting in the business and activities in running the club, as well as attending a monthly meeting and providing a short monthly report;

Below are the specifics against each of the roles;

  • Chairperson – Committee role
    • To manage and run meetings against the agreed Agenda
    • To take lead on resolving any difficulties
    • Provide support to Committee members
    • Be the public face of the Club
  • Company Secretary – Committee role
    • Ensuring meetings are effectively organised and minuted
    • Maintaining effective records and administration including at Companies House and HMRC.
    • Committee communication and correspondence
  • Treasurer – Committee role
    • General financial management
    • Financial reporting
    • Banking, book-keeping and record keeping
  • Membership Secretary – Committee Role
    • Receive membership applications and verify acceptability
    • Issue membership cards and stickers
    • Manage subscriptions on acceptance and annually
    • Maintain privacy of membership details.
  • Competitions Officer – Committee role
    • Agree competition dates for year, booking sites as appropriate
    • Manage setting out and taking down as required for the competition
    • Manage (or delegate) for Competition day(s)
    • Competitions Secretary – Committee role
    • To assist Competitions Officer as needed for the events
    • Carry out Administration support and liaise with MSUK for permits etc. required
  • Greenlanes Officer – Committee role
    • Agree green lane dates for year, and publish/co-ordinate attendees and leaders
    • Manage maps and leader groups as required for the green lane areas (Keeping an eye on any Closures noted)
    • Manage (or delegate) for green lane day(s)
  • Communications and website Officer – Committee role
    • Maintain the web site and Facebook sites
    • Consolidate content and publish occasional electronic newsletters to members
    • Maintain the ‘Mailchimp’ and Forum membership lists against current member lists
  • Social Officer – Committee role
    • To manage club events at 4×4 shows etc.
    • To agree, publish and manage occasional club social nights
  • Child Protection Officer – Committee role
    • Comply with the CPO laws and regulations
    • Handle any complaints.
    • Report to the authorities as appropriate.
  • Club Shopkeeper (non committee role)
    • Acquire suitable supplies which will be of interest to the Club Members.
    • Record and control stock items in a register.
    • Market and sell items to Club Members, recording the sales income and account to the Treasurer with the sales proceeds.
  • Equipment Officer – (non committee role)
    • Acquire suitable supplies which will be of interest to the Club Members and their Club activities.
    • Record and control stock items in a register and to whom they are loaned out to.
    • Market and sell items that become surplus to requirements.
    • Recording the sales income and account to the Treasurer with the sales proceeds. Sensitively disposing of scrapped items.

If you think you can help and assist by doing or just helping any of these roles in their club business, then please get in touch.


Beds Herts and Cambs Land Rover Club LIMITED Nomination Form


No person who is not a Member of the Company shall in any circumstances be eligible to hold office as a Member of the Committee.

Nomination forms should reach the Secretary before the start time of the meeting at or at the meeting.

Committee Position______________________________________________

Nominee Name_____________________________________________________

Membership Number_______________________Paid up Y/N________

Signature __________________________________________________

Proposer Name_____________________________________________________

Membership Number________________________Paid up Y/N_______

Signature __________________________________________________

Seconder Name_____________________________________________________

Membership Number________________________Paid up Y/N_______

Signature __________________________________________________


Approved in order by the Membership Secretary________________________


Beds Herts and Cambs Land Rover Club LIMITED Proxy Instrument

I ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­________________________________________________Membership Number_______Paid up Y/N

Address and Post Code ­_________________________________________________________________

Being a fully paid up Member of the Beds Herts and Cambs Land Rover Club, hereby appoint

Proxy Name _______________________________________Membership Number_______Paid up Y/N

Address and Post Code _________________________________________________________________

To be my proxy in all matters regarding the 2016 AGM.

Signed ____________________________________________________________________ Member

Signed _______________________________________________________________Proxy Appointee

 Date Executed______________________________________________________________________

  1. The instrument appointing a proxy shall be in Writing under the hand of the appointer or of his or her attorney duly authorised in Writing, or, if the appointer is a corporation, either under seal or under the hand of an officer or attorney duly authorised.  A proxy need not be a Member of the Company.
  2. The instrument appointing a proxy and the power of attorney or other authority, if any, under which it is signed or a notarially certified copy of that power or authority shall be deposited at the registered office of the Company or at such other place within the United Kingdom as it is specified for that purpose in the notice convening the meeting, not less than 48 hours before the time of holding the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the person named in the instrument proposes to vote, or in the case of a poll, not less than 24 hours before the time appointed for the taking of the poll, and in default the instrument of proxy shall not be treated as valid.


  • An instrument appointing a proxy shall be in a form decided as appropriate from time to time by the Committee and shall be designed to fit the circumstances of the meeting at which it is to be utilised.
  • The instrument appointing a proxy shall be deemed to confer authority to demand or join in demanding a poll.
  • A vote given in accordance with the terms of an instrument of proxy shall be valid notwithstanding the previous death or insanity of the principal or revocation of the proxy or of the authority under which the proxy was executed, provided that no intimation in Writing of such death, insanity or revocation as aforesaid shall have been received by the Company at the office before the commencement of the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the proxy is used.

Appendix 5

January 2024 AGM Minutes can be found here


Michael Hardy, Communications Officer

31st August 2024

January 2024 AGM

Beds Herts & Cambs Land Rover Club LIMITED

Notice is herby given of the 2023/2024 Annual General Meeting


Tuesday 16th January 2024 starting at 7:30 PM


The Green Man, Stanford, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom SG18 9JD




Attendance count to satisfy quorum

No business other than the appointment of the Chairwoman of the meeting is to be transacted at a general meeting if the persons attending it do not constitute a quorum.

The quorum for a general meeting is the lower of:

  • 15 Members participating in that meeting in person or by proxy or;
  • 20% of total number of Members at the date of the meeting

Every Full, Additional Member (Adult), Additional Member (Junior aged 13-17), Life and Complimentary Member, other than the Chairman shall have one vote.  P.S. Family Members have a vote each.

Apologies received from

  • John Robinson
  • Tony Froud
  • Simon Cox

In the chair

Colin Argent

Minutes of the annual general meeting held on 7th December 2021

See December 2022 AGM Minutes

Matters arising from those minutes

Acceptance of those minutes

  • Proposed by Ian Drew
  • Seconded by Sarah Drew
  • Carried Unanimously

Committee Members Reports

Treasurer’s Report

And presentation of accounts for the period 1st June 2021 to 31st May 2023

COLIN will present the accounts which had been circulated in advance at appendix 1.  Subscriptions will stay unchanged.

  • Proposed by Paul Vernon
  • Seconded by Brian Wheeler
  • Carried Unanimously

Secretary’s Report

John has nothing to report as secretary however he is not available to continue due to his health.

  • Proposed by Sarah Drew
  • Seconded by Paul Winfield
  • Carried Unanimously

Membership Secretary’s Report

The new website continues to function well and no significant issues have been reported by either new members joining or existing members renewing.

The website also produces reports which provide an overview of the on-going situation and the screen shot below reflects the situation as of 5 December 2023. From this you can see that since the website has been up and running membership numbers have increased by a net 68. This year to date the increase is a net 21. I believe this is indicative of a healthy situation for the club and bodes well for the future. I also believe this is manifesting itself in the increased participation in events, and indeed, the number of events that are taking place.

As of today therefore we have 89 active members made up of 41 individuals, 31 familys, 12 life members and 3 land owners plus 2 others (Chair and Webmaster).

I have also include in the screen shot below the membership movement by month for this year to date.

Looking forward I see no reason why this situation should not continue provided we can maintain a decent schedule of events because that is what we all want.

  • Proposed by Daniel Drew
  • Seconded by Josh Pitts
  • Carried Unanimously

Competitions Secretary’s Report

We started off the year in January with an RTV at Spellbrook and Russ Beck having far too much fun with a shark!  Twinney Woods came along in February along with a film crew from MSUK which was a great bit of publicity for the club.

March’s event was cancelled and we gave April a miss as we had BHC on Tour instead.

We had the working party at Whitwell over the late May bank holiday and we couldn’t have asked for better weather as well as a big thanks to everyone who attended to help better the site and having great fun in the process, including me… I loved that digger until Colin stole it!  July’s Weston Underwood trial was cancelled due to lack of interest, then it was the summer break. 

The end of August brought Whitwell round again where we had yet more lovely weather and a great turn out to play on the new holes. It was great fun and well supported. Quainton in September was cancelled due to lack of interest not warranting it going ahead. 

Twinney Woods in November was a muddy one and everyone seemed to have great fun and we’ve just had our Whitwell Xmas Tyro which had a great turn out and ended the year on a high.

All in all it’s been another good year with everyone who attends learning more about their vehicle and their driving ability.  I will look to arrange more trials for the coming year, and we seem to be receiving invites for shared events and us offering our events out too to local clubs.  My one repeat ask is if people could give me an indication on numbers looking to attend each event as myself and my helpers do give up quite a bit of time in the setting up, which can on occasion be disproportionate to the level of interest on the day hence why we have had a few cancelled events this year  let’s try to improve in that next year.

  • Proposed by Michael Hardy
  • Seconded by Russell Beck
  • Carried Unanimously

Safeguarding Officers Report

Gail is on an ongoing sabbatical from the committee and this role has been filled by Brian Wheeler.

  • Proposed by N/A
  • Seconded by N/A
  • Carried N/A

Social Secretary’s Report

Monthly pub nights have been taking place throughout the year, with some really good attendance. Discussions are ongoing regarding looking for another venue and member input would be appreciated. 

In April, BHC went on a camping/ green laning tour of Dorset.  Great fun was had by all, with some deep water discovered by one group and Paul W having his own little adventure sourcing spare parts after breaking his car. The weather was lovely, the views were pretty, but let’s not mention the Sunday lunch!   All in all it was a success and the 2024 trip to Devon has already been planned  

We also had the 2 fantastic shows this year at Billing in June and Belvoir in September, but the weather was just a little too much for September with most people looking for any shade they could find rather than walking round the show.

Steve arranged a curry night in June which went down very well, so we’re hoping to have a few more of these events in the coming year.

  • Proposed by Colin Argent
  • Seconded by Brian Wheeler
  • Carried Unanimously

Communications Officers Report

As part of the website upgrades, the email subscriptions are now linked into the memberships. As members join or expire the email subscriptions are also updated. If you wish to be removed from these emails then there is an unsubscribe email at the bottom however we will use this to pass updates out to members.

For those that have renewed their memberships on the website, you will now see that we offer the option to use a PayPal account, or use the secure PayPal checkout which allows you to use a credit card without the need to create a PayPal account.

You may have also noticed that I am now aiming to send one email at the start of each month with a recap from the last month and any events planned for the upcoming month, if anyone has any news, updates or upcoming events that you would like to see in this monthly email, please email these through to

  • Proposed by Rob Barret
  • Seconded by Sarah Drew
  • Carried Unanimously

Greenlanes Officers Report

Norfolk trips ?

3 herts

2 essex

Simon Cox organised a surrey hills laning day, enjoyed by all who attended and an area that the club haven’t previously visited before.

dorset greenlanes trip

Some Thetford forest lanes have been closed

  • Proposed by Rob Barret
  • Seconded by Paul Winfield
  • Carried Unanimously

Chairwoman’s Report

It doesn’t seem two minutes since I was writing my last AGM report… where has that year gone?! It feels like the club has now fully recovered since covid and is going from strength to strength.

There is of course the core of “regulars” who can always be relied on to rally round, put events on, sort out pub meets, socials, shows etc, but it’s great to see that they are being joined now by a very enthusiastic and proactive group who are coming up with lanes explorations then subsequent lane days out… recently there haven’t been  many weekends going by at the moment where there hasn’t been something happening! It was my “ask” at the last AGM and thank you, you’ve all delivered.

There are some changes on the committee with Gail still on sabbatical and Brian taking on the role of Child Protection and Safeguarding, and John standing down as Club Secretary on health grounds.  Thank you to both of you, all your efforts on behalf of the club have been appreciated and John we truly wish you all the best and hope to still see you out when you are able.

As we go into 2024, I want us to maintain our happy, relaxed and family friendly feel to the club as I believe that is what is our appeal.  We also have some more camping lined up with our Devon BHC on Tour arranged as well as club stand applications for Billing and Belvoir in already.  It is however your club and just so long as it’s achievable… and legal(!) please put any suggestions forward and we’ll do our best to accommodate 

  • Proposed by Russ Beck
  • Seconded by Gaye Minney
  • Carried Unanimously

End of Committee Reports

As an appreciation for the work John Henry Robinson has done for the club, the committee would like to offer an honorary membership.

Election of Officers

Committee Members

This explains the position of the incumbent Member at the time of Notice for the AGM. 

Please see Appendix 2 for Job Descriptions for your information.

Any Member can stand for any of the roles below with the support of a Proposer and Seconder and use of the Nomination Form at Appendix 3.

Chairman / Chairwoman & a Director

Sarah Drew is available and willing to continue the role

Company Secretary & a Director

John Robinson has chosen to step down as secretary, Colin Argent has stepped into this role until the AGM and is available, and willing to continue the role.

Treasurer & a Director

Colin Argent is available, and willing to continue the role.

Communications Officer

Michael Hardy is available, and willing to continue the role.

Social Officer

This is currently a shared role between Steve Woor and Sarah Drew, both are willing to continue this role.

Competitions Officer

Ian Drew is available, and willing to continue the role.

Green Roads Officer

Neill Campbell is not available, he is willing to assist a new committee member with his routes and experience.

Membership Officer

Tony Froud is available, and willing to continue the role.

Safeguarding Officer

Gail Parfitt is un-available, Brian Wheeler has replaced Gail and is available.

Non-Committee Roles

Sales Officer

Matt Walker is available, and willing to continue the role.


All in favour of the election of officers En-bloc.


Any other business will not be discussed at the AGM.  At the end of the AGM a discussion will follow. Points raised for consideration will be taken to the next Committee meeting for consideration.

All business shall be deemed special that is transacted at an Annual General Meeting, with the exception of the consideration of the accounts, balance sheets, and the reports of the Directors and auditors, the election of Directors in place of those retiring and the appointment of, and the fixing of the remuneration, of the auditors.

Appendix 1

Beds Herts and Cambs Land Rover Club Limited

Accounts for the period 1 June 2021 to 31 May 2023

Income 2023 £ 2022 £
 Memberships£1,190 £777
 Trials£1,039 £960
Birthday Bash300
Club shop30
 Income £2,507.00 £2,372.00
Birthday Bash-£1,103
 Green Lanes-£55-£59
Card Payment Fees-£52-£54
 Expenditure -£3,162-£3445
 NET PROFIT (LOSS) (£657) (£1073)
 Bank & Cash £2,900 £3,557
Comparable accounts for 2021 and 2020 can be seen in appendix 5.

Appendix 2


General responsibilities for all officers include assisting in the business and activities in running the club, as well as attending a monthly meeting and providing a short monthly report;

Below are the specifics against each of the roles;

  • Chairperson – Committee role
    • To manage and run meetings against the agreed Agenda
    • To take lead on resolving any difficulties
    • Provide support to Committee members
    • Be the public face of the Club
  • Company Secretary – Committee role
    • Ensuring meetings are effectively organised and minuted
    • Maintaining effective records and administration including at Companies House and HMRC.
    • Committee communication and correspondence
  • Treasurer – Committee role
    • General financial management
    • Financial reporting
    • Banking, book-keeping and record keeping
  • Membership Secretary – Committee Role
    • Receive membership applications and verify acceptability
    • Issue membership cards and stickers
    • Manage subscriptions on acceptance and annually
    • Maintain privacy of membership details.
  • Competitions Officer – Committee role
    • Agree competition dates for year, booking sites as appropriate
    • Manage setting out and taking down as required for the competition
    • Manage (or delegate) for Competition day(s)
    • Competitions Secretary – Committee role
    • To assist Competitions Officer as needed for the events
    • Carry out Administration support and liaise with MSUK for permits etc. required
  • Greenlanes Officer – Committee role
    • Agree green lane dates for year, and publish/co-ordinate attendees and leaders
    • Manage maps and leader groups as required for the green lane areas (Keeping an eye on any Closures noted)
    • Manage (or delegate) for green lane day(s)
  • Communications and website Officer – Committee role
    • Maintain the web site and Facebook sites
    • Consolidate content and publish occasional electronic newsletters to members
    • Maintain the ‘Mailchimp’ and Forum membership lists against current member lists
  • Social Officer – Committee role
    • To manage club events at 4×4 shows etc.
    • To agree, publish and manage occasional club social nights
  • Child Protection Officer – Committee role
    • Comply with the CPO laws and regulations
    • Handle any complaints.
    • Report to the authorities as appropriate.
  • Club Shopkeeper (non committee role)
    • Acquire suitable supplies which will be of interest to the Club Members.
    • Record and control stock items in a register.
    • Market and sell items to Club Members, recording the sales income and account to the Treasurer with the sales proceeds.
  • Equipment Officer – (non committee role)
    • Acquire suitable supplies which will be of interest to the Club Members and their Club activities.
    • Record and control stock items in a register and to whom they are loaned out to.
    • Market and sell items that become surplus to requirements.
    • Recording the sales income and account to the Treasurer with the sales proceeds. Sensitively disposing of scrapped items.

If you think you can help and assist by doing or just helping any of these roles in their club business, then please get in touch.


Beds Herts and Cambs Land Rover Club LIMITED Nomination Form


No person who is not a Member of the Company shall in any circumstances be eligible to hold office as a Member of the Committee.

Nomination forms should reach the Secretary before the start time of the meeting at 13 Old Garden Court, St Albans, AL34RQ, Herts, or at the meeting.

Committee Position______________________________________________

Nominee Name_____________________________________________________

Membership Number_______________________Paid up Y/N________

Signature __________________________________________________

Proposer Name_____________________________________________________

Membership Number________________________Paid up Y/N_______

Signature __________________________________________________

Seconder Name_____________________________________________________

Membership Number________________________Paid up Y/N_______

Signature __________________________________________________


Approved in order by the Membership Secretary________________________


Beds Herts and Cambs Land Rover Club LIMITED Proxy Instrument

I ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­________________________________________________Membership Number_______Paid up Y/N

Address and Post Code ­_________________________________________________________________

Being a fully paid up Member of the Beds Herts and Cambs Land Rover Club, hereby appoint

Proxy Name _______________________________________Membership Number_______Paid up Y/N

Address and Post Code _________________________________________________________________

To be my proxy in all matters regarding the 2016 AGM.

Signed ____________________________________________________________________ Member

Signed _______________________________________________________________Proxy Appointee

 Date Executed______________________________________________________________________

  1. The instrument appointing a proxy shall be in Writing under the hand of the appointer or of his or her attorney duly authorised in Writing, or, if the appointer is a corporation, either under seal or under the hand of an officer or attorney duly authorised.  A proxy need not be a Member of the Company.
  2. The instrument appointing a proxy and the power of attorney or other authority, if any, under which it is signed or a notarially certified copy of that power or authority shall be deposited at the registered office of the Company or at such other place within the United Kingdom as it is specified for that purpose in the notice convening the meeting, not less than 48 hours before the time of holding the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the person named in the instrument proposes to vote, or in the case of a poll, not less than 24 hours before the time appointed for the taking of the poll, and in default the instrument of proxy shall not be treated as valid.


  • An instrument appointing a proxy shall be in a form decided as appropriate from time to time by the Committee and shall be designed to fit the circumstances of the meeting at which it is to be utilised.
  • The instrument appointing a proxy shall be deemed to confer authority to demand or join in demanding a poll.
  • A vote given in accordance with the terms of an instrument of proxy shall be valid notwithstanding the previous death or insanity of the principal or revocation of the proxy or of the authority under which the proxy was executed, provided that no intimation in Writing of such death, insanity or revocation as aforesaid shall have been received by the Company at the office before the commencement of the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the proxy is used.

Appendix 5

December 2021 AGM Minutes can be found here


Michael Hardy, Communications Officer

12th December 2023

December 2022 AGM

Beds Herts & Cambs Land Rover Club LIMITED

Notice is herby given of the 2022/2023 Annual General Meeting


Tuesday 6th December 2022 starting at 7:30 PM


The Green Man, Stanford, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom SG18 9JD




Attendance count to satisfy quorum

No business other than the appointment of the Chairwoman of the meeting is to be transacted at a general meeting if the persons attending it do not constitute a quorum.

The quorum for a general meeting is the lower of:

  • 15 Members participating in that meeting in person or by proxy or;
  • 20% of total number of Members at the date of the meeting

Every Full, Additional Member (Adult), Additional Member (Junior aged 13-17), Life and Complimentary Member, other than the Chairman shall have one vote.  P.S. Family Members have a vote each.

Apologies received from

  • John Henry Robinson
  • Neill Cambell
  • John Argent

In the chair

Sarah Drew

Minutes of the annual general meeting held on 7th December 2021

See Appendix 5

Matters arising from those minutes

  • None

Acceptance of those minutes

  • Proposed by Chris Woor
  • Seconded by Paul Winfield
  • Carried Unanimously

Committee Members Reports

Treasurer’s Report

And presentation of accounts for the period 1st June 2021 to 31st May 2022

COLIN will present the accounts which had been circulated in advance at appendix 1.  Subscriptions will stay unchanged.

Report to be added

  • Proposed by Ian Drew
  • Seconded by Steve Woor
  • Carried Unanimously

Secretary’s Report

John reports that Companies House is up to date and in order. We have NO resignations from the Committee this year.  A nomination form is at appendix 3 if you would like to offer your services.

  • Proposed by Colin Argent
  • Seconded by Sarah Drew
  • Carried Unanimously

Membership Secretary’s Report

The new website has been handling all new membership and renewal activity this year without a problem and, as a result, I have stopped maintaining the old Excel based membership database. I still, however, keep a paper record of the principal membership related activity.

Interestingly the new website has had 173,563 visits this year to date (6/12/22) of which 289 were logins by members. The underlying engine of the website keeps a lot of data and provides us with an insight as to our general visibility as well as maintaining our membership administration and database processes.

The web-based system issues renewal notices one month before expiry and a reminder at expiry. If members do not renew promptly they are listed as expired members so they can be relisted if they subsequently renew. However, it is easier for everyone if you renew promptly on receiving the first reminder.

All new joiners and renewals are communicated directly to me from the website. Colin also sends me a copy of the email he gets automatically from PayPal documenting that account activity. I then issue the appropriate membership cards under the appropriate covering letter.

It would be nice to think we could incorporate a MotorSportUK type membership card facility into the website at some stage in the future so that we can dispense with membership secretary’s duties altogether (except, maybe, for oversight and non-standard issues).

The table below indicates the current (and recent historical) membership status.

31 January 20216515888
5 December 20216815083
6 December 202264150*79
* there has been 37 memberships expire and 27 new members this year to date. The new website based membership management does not handle overdue memberships. If you don’t pay up on time you are relisted as an expired member.

So, the past year has seen the succesful adoption of a new website and its incorporated membership administration functions; for which I must, once again, call out Michael Hardy for all his efforts. In respect of the membership, we don’t appear to have suffered much from the traumas of COVID and there has been a steady stream of new joiners to offset the loss of existing members. At the end of the day we all like to muck about in our off-roaders and no virus (or anything else for that matter) is going to get in the way!

  • Proposed by Paul Vernon
  • Seconded by Daniel Drew
  • Carried Unanimously

Competitions Secretary’s Report

We started off the year in January with an RTV at Spellbrook which was well attended and full of enthusiasm coming out of Covid.  Weston Underwood in March was cancelled owing to the site being water logged, which was disappointing but understandable owing to the rain fall we had had.

We then picked up with Whitwell in May and again there was a great turnout with a really good mix of vehicles and capabilities.  Quainton in July was a quieter trial, but it didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of those who attended.

Next was the Autotest at Codicote in September which can be summed up as boys and their toys playing in a field.  It was great fun and something we will look to do again next year.  Twinney Woods RTV came next in October which was really enjoyed by all with some excellent sections set out, but it did result in me breaking my car… oops!

We haven’t had much luck with rain and Weston Underwood this year, as we had to cancel the Fireworks trial arranged for November, however we do have the Whitwell Christmas trial to look forward to on 11 Dec and the land owner has agreed to us having our fireworks then.  Look out for more info on the Facebook group and website, but we will look to take the catering trailer too so we can all warm up a little before the fireworks.

All in all its been another good year with everyone who attends the trials having a good time and learning more about the capability of their vehicle.  I will look to arrange more trials for the coming year, but it is getting increasingly difficult with site closures.  My one ask moving into next year is if people could give me an indication on numbers looking to attend each event as myself and my helpers do give up quite a bit of time in the setting up, which can on occasion be disproportionate to the level of interest on the day. 

  • Proposed by Michael Hardy
  • Seconded by Chris Woor
  • Carried Unanimously

Safeguarding Officers Report

Unavailable at time of AGM.

  • Proposed by
  • Seconded by
  • Carried

Social Secretary’s Report

Monthly pub nights have been taking place throughout the year, still as virtual in January but we went back to in person in February and it has been really nice to see numbers increasing again, even if the main reason is more likely the return of the Stanford Man pizza rather than the company!

In April, some of BHC went on a camping/ green laning tour of Yorkshire.  The first night was a washout and some of us (namely me!) did wonder if we were beyond crazy going to Yorkshire that early in the year, but the weather improved as did the scenery, and we were even spotted by a member of our club who was up there with another club… what were the chances!  We also had a social day in Masham which may have involved a magical bus ride and a day spent in 2 breweries followed by fish and chips.  It was really good fun and something which we are looking to start doing more officially as a club, so look out for future events.

We also had the 2 fantastic shows this year at Billing in June and Peterborough in September – The Billing plot was a brilliant one and one which we will look to request for next year.  Peterborough was very sad as timing-wise the Queen had just passed, however thanks to Colin we had a flag and made sure we were obliging of all lowering and re-raisings.  The show was however fab for the club as we got to showcase our new banner which was so expertly put together by Michael and Daniel… well done lads!  We also had a more engaging set up to the pitch which attracted a lot of interest and passers by stopping to chat, as well as signing up some new members.  We had a great hog roast on the Saturday night and there may have also been some drinking too, as it was also young Daniel’s 18th birthday, so of course us older ones had to show him how it’s done!

I will look to arrange similar events for next year, but as I am only covering this role due to a vacancy on the committee, it could really do with someone stepping forward to bring the social side to life more, as let’s face it we are a sociable club, I just don’t have the capacity to do all the organising so it would be fab if someone came to join the party… literally! 

  • Proposed by Steve Woor
  • Seconded by Colin Argent
  • Carried Unanimously

Communications Officers Report

Website memberships are currently being processed through the website and after a year of operation it was noticed that members who signed up or renewed last year where having automatic payments taken from the website. The club believes it is the members choice to renew membership, therefore all PayPal subscriptions where cancelled on 7th November 2022 which may have resulted in a ‘Cancellation’ email. This simply cancelled the subscription with PayPal and not the membership.

Next task on the list is aligning the events, currently we have a hybrid between Facebook and the website, we would like one source of truth that can be displayed without a Facebook account and also requires the least management for the dedicated committee members.

I would finally like to recognise Daniel Drew for his awesome photos and for setting up and running the BHCLRC instagram account. He has uploaded some great photos and has had messages and followers from all around the world engaging and asking questions about who we are and what we do. For those who have not seen it, please head over and check it out:

  • Proposed by Colin Argent
  • Seconded by Ian Drew
  • Carried Unanimously

Greenlanes Officers Report

Apologies but I am not able to come along tonight not to join in on-line.

For Green Lanes 202/23 I have already told Sarah and Ian that I want to stand down. However, if you do not have a replacement yet I am prepared to carry on as Interim Green Lanes Officer until you/we find someone!

Next Outing is a jaunt in Norfolk on Sunday 18 December and we presently have room for 3 more vehicles. Start will be -90.30 either Kings Lynn or Swaffham and end up either at start area or wherever we are at 3pm so folk can head home. Will be non scratchy and very little mud but often many puddles! Grateful if one of you can inform those at the meeting tonight.

  • Proposed by Chris Woor
  • Seconded by Matt Walker
  • Carried Unanimously

Chairwoman’s Report

Since taking on the role from Russ and an interim period covered by John, I feel I have had the easier ride with the world returning pretty much to normal post covid.  It has been great that we have been able to enjoy events and socials again and with new members and a general happy buzz around the club, making improvements and enhancements to club assets such as the refresh of the club clothing range with a new supplier, the new banner with more banners in the making and seeing the catering trailer in use again, with the committee looking to make improvements to it for the comfort of all.

The only food for thought I would give is that a club is only as good as its members and the enthusiasm they bring.  We are lucky to have some really dedicated members on our committee who do not want the club to fail.  We have a lovely family feel and whilst we all have our moments of being competitive, nothing is ever taken too seriously and it is more about having members enjoy their vehicle in a safe manner and ultimately, having fun!  We are carrying a couple of vacancies and some committee members could do with deputies or willing hands to help.  Could I just ask that you support the club where you can so we can all continue to enjoy and learn.  Thank you

  • Proposed by Paul Winfield
  • Seconded by Matt Walker
  • Carried Unanimously

Election of Officers

Committee Members

This explains the position of the incumbent Member at the time of Notice for the AGM. 

Please see Appendix 2 for Job Descriptions for your information.

Any Member can stand for any of the roles below with the support of a Proposer and Seconder and use of the Nomination Form at Appendix 3.

Chairman / Chairwoman & a Director

Sarah Drew is available and willing to continue the role

Company Secretary & a Director

John Robinson is available, and willing to continue the role.

Treasurer & a Director

Colin Argent is available, and willing to continue the role.

Communications Officer

Michael Hardy is available, and willing to continue the role.

Social Officer

Vacant – Nominations requested

Competitions Officer

Ian Drew is available, and willing to continue the role.

Green Roads Officer

Neill Campbell is available, and willing to continue the role.

Membership Officer

Tony Froud is available, and willing to continue the role.

Safeguarding Officer

Gail Parfitt is available, and willing to continue the role.

Non-Committee Roles

Sales Officer

Matt Walker is available, and willing to continue the role.


All in favour of the election of officers En-bloc.


Any other business will not be discussed at the AGM.  At the end of the AGM a discussion will follow. Points raised for consideration will be taken to the next Committee meeting for consideration.

All business shall be deemed special that is transacted at an Annual General Meeting, with the exception of the consideration of the accounts, balance sheets, and the reports of the Directors and auditors, the election of Directors in place of those retiring and the appointment of, and the fixing of the remuneration, of the auditors.

Appendix 1

Beds Herts and Cambs Land Rover Club Limited

Accounts for the period 1 June 2020 to 31 May 2022

Income 2022 £ 2021 £
 Memberships£777 £1220
 Trials£960 £1,061.00
Birthday Bash£300
 Income £2,372.00 £2,294.00 
Birthday Bash-£1,103
 Green Lanes-£59-£59.00
 Expenditure -£3,445-£2,151.00
 NET PROFIT (LOSS) (£1,073) £143.00
 Bank & Cash £3,557 £4,630
Comparable accounts for 2020 and 2019 can be seen in appendix 5.

Appendix 2


General responsibilities for all officers include assisting in the business and activities in running the club, as well as attending a monthly meeting and providing a short monthly report;

Below are the specifics against each of the roles;

  • Chairperson – Committee role
    • To manage and run meetings against the agreed Agenda
    • To take lead on resolving any difficulties
    • Provide support to Committee members
    • Be the public face of the Club
  • Company Secretary – Committee role
    • Ensuring meetings are effectively organised and minuted
    • Maintaining effective records and administration including at Companies House and HMRC.
    • Committee communication and correspondence
  • Treasurer – Committee role
    • General financial management
    • Financial reporting
    • Banking, book-keeping and record keeping
  • Membership Secretary – Committee Role
    • Receive membership applications and verify acceptability
    • Issue membership cards and stickers
    • Manage subscriptions on acceptance and annually
    • Maintain privacy of membership details.
  • Competitions Officer – Committee role
    • Agree competition dates for year, booking sites as appropriate
    • Manage setting out and taking down as required for the competition
    • Manage (or delegate) for Competition day(s)
    • Competitions Secretary – Committee role
    • To assist Competitions Officer as needed for the events
    • Carry out Administration support and liaise with MSUK for permits etc. required
  • Greenlanes Officer – Committee role
    • Agree green lane dates for year, and publish/co-ordinate attendees and leaders
    • Manage maps and leader groups as required for the green lane areas (Keeping an eye on any Closures noted)
    • Manage (or delegate) for green lane day(s)
  • Communications and website Officer – Committee role
    • Maintain the web site and Facebook sites
    • Consolidate content and publish occasional electronic newsletters to members
    • Maintain the ‘Mailchimp’ and Forum membership lists against current member lists
  • Social Officer – Committee role
    • To manage club events at 4×4 shows etc.
    • To agree, publish and manage occasional club social nights
  • Child Protection Officer – Committee role
    • Comply with the CPO laws and regulations
    • Handle any complaints.
    • Report to the authorities as appropriate.
  • Club Shopkeeper (non committee role)
    • Acquire suitable supplies which will be of interest to the Club Members.
    • Record and control stock items in a register.
    • Market and sell items to Club Members, recording the sales income and account to the Treasurer with the sales proceeds.
  • Equipment Officer – (non committee role)
    • Acquire suitable supplies which will be of interest to the Club Members and their Club activities.
    • Record and control stock items in a register and to whom they are loaned out to.
    • Market and sell items that become surplus to requirements.
    • Recording the sales income and account to the Treasurer with the sales proceeds. Sensitively disposing of scrapped items.

If you think you can help and assist by doing or just helping any of these roles in their club business, then please get in touch.


Beds Herts and Cambs Land Rover Club LIMITED Nomination Form


No person who is not a Member of the Company shall in any circumstances be eligible to hold office as a Member of the Committee.

Nomination forms should reach the Secretary before the start time of the meeting at 13 Old Garden Court, St Albans, AL34RQ, Herts, or at the meeting.

Committee Position______________________________________________

Nominee Name_____________________________________________________

Membership Number_______________________Paid up Y/N________

Signature __________________________________________________

Proposer Name_____________________________________________________

Membership Number________________________Paid up Y/N_______

Signature __________________________________________________

Seconder Name_____________________________________________________

Membership Number________________________Paid up Y/N_______

Signature __________________________________________________


Approved in order by the Membership Secretary________________________


Beds Herts and Cambs Land Rover Club LIMITED Proxy Instrument

I ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­________________________________________________Membership Number_______Paid up Y/N

Address and Post Code ­_________________________________________________________________

Being a fully paid up Member of the Beds Herts and Cambs Land Rover Club, hereby appoint

Proxy Name _______________________________________Membership Number_______Paid up Y/N

Address and Post Code _________________________________________________________________

To be my proxy in all matters regarding the 2016 AGM.

Signed ____________________________________________________________________ Member

Signed _______________________________________________________________Proxy Appointee

 Date Executed______________________________________________________________________

  1. The instrument appointing a proxy shall be in Writing under the hand of the appointer or of his or her attorney duly authorised in Writing, or, if the appointer is a corporation, either under seal or under the hand of an officer or attorney duly authorised.  A proxy need not be a Member of the Company.
  2. The instrument appointing a proxy and the power of attorney or other authority, if any, under which it is signed or a notarially certified copy of that power or authority shall be deposited at the registered office of the Company or at such other place within the United Kingdom as it is specified for that purpose in the notice convening the meeting, not less than 48 hours before the time of holding the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the person named in the instrument proposes to vote, or in the case of a poll, not less than 24 hours before the time appointed for the taking of the poll, and in default the instrument of proxy shall not be treated as valid.


  • An instrument appointing a proxy shall be in a form decided as appropriate from time to time by the Committee and shall be designed to fit the circumstances of the meeting at which it is to be utilised.
  • The instrument appointing a proxy shall be deemed to confer authority to demand or join in demanding a poll.
  • A vote given in accordance with the terms of an instrument of proxy shall be valid notwithstanding the previous death or insanity of the principal or revocation of the proxy or of the authority under which the proxy was executed, provided that no intimation in Writing of such death, insanity or revocation as aforesaid shall have been received by the Company at the office before the commencement of the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the proxy is used.

Appendix 5

December 2021 AGM Minutes can be found here


John H Robinson, Company Secretary

27th September 2021

Herts Green Lane Trip – March 2022

Saturday 19th March felt like the start of spring, what better way to welcome spring than to go out on the Herts Green Lanes? That’s what 5 members of the BHCLRC thought!

We started our trip in Great Offley with 4 cars, Neill lead a group in his Defender 90, followed by our newest member Rocco in his Daihatsu Fourtrak, Colin in his Discovery 3 and Michael in his Defender 90. It wasn’t far down the first lane where we were stopped in our tracks and could see the toll Storm Eunice had taken on the lanes. There was lots of trees that had fallen since the last laning trip and some trees had not been fully cleared so cleared these as we went to allow us to pass.

An hour into the trip and we picked up Dick in his Freelander 2 making him the 5th vehicle and we continued on our way heading towards Stevenage. We stopped for lunch near Datchworth where we found the spring breeze was much cooler than expected, turns out that defender doors do stop some of the wind after all!

Thanks to unexpected planned road closure we had some diversions, we frantically tried to pick up the route while checking maps, and talking over the CB. We got back on the route and enjoyed the lanes to the east of Stevenage finishing over by the A10.

Overall, it was a great day where everyone enjoyed the lanes and company, a huge thank you to Neill for organising this trip! We are planning to run more laning trips so keep an eye on the website for the next trip.

Thetford Green Lanes – February 2022

“3 Landies, a Toyota and a Jeep”

Club trip to Thetford Forest area on Saturday 26 February 2022

Five of us were lucky to have a beautiful sunny and dry day for the first Club Laneing trip of the year.

Myself as leader with Toyota Landcruiser (as my Defender is awaiting sorting an issue), Paul Vernon and doggie in a fully kitted Jeep Wrangler (which has a 4 litre petrol engine with fuel consumption twice as bad as my 4 litre V8 Defender!), Ian Drew in his Range Rover Classic with 2 boys, Iona Alexander and friend in a nice oldish white Defender 110 and Nick Whitty and grandson in a very new Defender 110!

We met up at Barton Mills Service area on A11 for a 9.30 start and then headed off for a 60 mile round trip taking in lanes on the Elveden Estate (owned by Lord Iveagh, a member of the Guinness Family), lanes on adjoining estate and then to a couple on the Euston Estate (Duke of Grafton). From there, after a few miles on road, we went on to a long lane on the Shadwell Park Estate (Sheik Hamdan Al Maktoum). Our intended stopping place for lunch was occupied by a bunch using Quads and offroad bikes on adjoining land illegally and noisily, so we carried on for a few 100 metres for our stop.

From there, after a short stretch along the A11 and off via another road we went into a long series of lanes on Forestry Commission Land. After the rains of recent weeks there were many large puddles on parts of the route (both there and on earlier lanes). On the first of these, Ian was persuaded by his son, Josh to go into a large puddle the rest of us has skirted around. They got well and truly bogged in the middle, with rear wheels completely below water. Paul in his Jeep had the only winch equipped vehicle able to help and, with the help of a tree as an anchor, he pulled Ian out. 

We then went on to more lanes on Forestry Commission land starting from Weeting and from there to a couple of lanes near Hockwold and on to our last lane near Lakenheath Station towards Brandon.

After all of the recent storms we were lucky not to have met any obstacles that far, but in that last lane, we had to get out loppers and saws to cut back a fallen hunk of tree ivy far enough to squeeze past. Although there was more fallen ivy on that lane, we were able to get past without more gardening. At Brandon, we rejoined surfaced roads and headed back to Barton Mills Roundabout (passing RAF Lakenheath, occupied by USAF fighters), where we had a final chat before heading off home at about 5 pm. (Planned finish time was 4 pm and would have achieved that but for Ian getting stuck and having yo deal with the tree ivy!).

As leader, I enjoyed the day and seeing some people we have known a while and meeting some new members– all of the morning’s lanes were ones I first went on in about 1999 on my first trip on the lanes when Mark Summerbee was Greenlanes officer at Chiltern Vale LRC (the Club from which as bunch of us, including Colin Argent, Russ Brown and Mark split off from to form this Club). On that day, Mark got stuck and Dick Greaves pulled him out. (Dick celebrated his 89th birthday last week – he still goes laneing occasionally and would have joined us had he not been booked for a family function!)

Will try to organise at least one outing each month, so keep an eye on the Members Facebook page!

Neill Campbell – BHCLRC Greenlanes Officer

December 2021 AGM

Beds Herts & Cambs Land Rover Club LIMITED

Notice IS HEREBY GIVEN, of the 2021/2022 Annual General Meeting


TUESDAY 7th december 2021 starting at 8pm


The Green Man, Stanford, Biggleswade,

Bedfordshire, United Kingdom SG18 9JD

A ZOOM facility for members who wish to be involved but cannot attend has been set up.  The zoom details are  Meeting ID: 921 2359 3277  Passcode: 654321 please dial in at 7.55pm.




    1. No business other than the appointment of the Chairman of the meeting is to be transacted at a general meeting if the persons attending it do not constitute a quorum.
    2. The quorum for a general meeting is the lower of
      1. 15 Members participating in that meeting in person or by proxy or, 20% of total number of Members at the date of the meeting.
    3. Every Full, Additional Member (Adult), Additional Member (Junior aged 13-17), Life and Complimentary Member, other than the Chairman shall have one vote.  P.S. Family Members have a vote each.
    1. Russ Brown
    2. Gail Parfitt
    3. John Argent
    4. Callum Oakes
  3. IN THE CHAIR – John Henry Robinson
  4. MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD ON 2nd February 2021, see Appendix 5
    1. Matters arising from those MINUTES
      1. None
    2. Acceptance of those MINUTES were
      1. proposed by Colin Solley
      2. Seconded by Chris Woor
      3. Carried Unanimously
    1. You will have seen from the account sent out to you the club made a slight surplus in the financial year ending 31 May 2021 of £143.  
    2. Membership income continues to cover most Club expenses
    3. Trials made a slight profit in the year with two very good attendances at the few times we were allowed to gather.  This is all despite Motorsports UK doubling the permit fee to £9.85 per head.  However, if you add in the equipment costs where we serviced extinguishers, bought new canes and new numbers, trials did make a loss.
    4. General expenditure encompasses insurance costs, zoom costs and website expenses
    5. Our reserves on 31 May 2021 were £4,625.  These are now £3,974 with the main reduction being the 20th Birthday Bash last summer which will be in this year’s accounts.
    6. Subscriptions will stay unchanged.
    7. Matters Arising
      1. None
        1. proposed by John Henry Robinson
        2. Seconded by Sarah Drew
        3. Carried Unanimously
    1. JOHN reports that Companies House is up to date and in order.
    2. “Sadly, my heart health is only slightly better, but it is the Stroke effects that cause me to look to stand down, my memory and thought ability are impaired.  Please consider standing, it is not an onerous role, and I will be here you give advice in need.
    3. Matters Arising
      1. None
    4. Acceptance of the SECRETARY’S REPORT
      1. proposed by Colin Argent
      1. Seconded by Chris Woor
      1. Carried Unanimously
    1. TONY
      1. It was pretty much business as usual until September when we shifted the bulk of the renewal process on-line. Michael Hardy has done a great job building a new website and incorporating the bulk of the membership secretary’s administration work into it. At that time, we drew a line under the Excel membership database and transferred it to the website. I have been keeping the Excel database going as a separate entity as a back-up but when we are happy that everything is working correctly, I will cease maintaining it but keep it as a historical record. The web-based system issues renewal notices one month before expiry and a reminder at expiry. 
      2. Members log in and renew on-line, changing their essential data as necessary. Payment of membership fees is by PayPal. Automatic emails are generated to me to advise me of renewals, new joiners etc. and it is still, at this time, up to me to issue/renew membership cards. The website also produces routine reports of activity. It would be nice to think we could incorporate a MotorSportUK type membership card facility into the website at some stage in the future so that we can dispense with membership secretary’s duties altogether (except, maybe, for oversight and non-standard issues).
      3. The table below indicates the current (and recent historical) membership status. The current overdues are zero because if you don’t renew by expiry you get dumped from the new database, automatically!! Consider yourselves warned!
      4. * There has been 12 cancellations and 10 sign-ups (renewals/new members) from September to 5th December
      5. So, the past year has seen the development and implementation of a new website and the incorporation into it a lot of the membership administration functions; for which Michael Hardy must take the bulk of the credit. In respect of the membership, the trend is encouraging with 19 new members this year to date. I think this can be sustained if we continue to offer regular functions, outings, trials and other activities because, when people get to participate, and realise how much they enjoy it, they won’t drop out in the numbers we have seen in the past.
10 January 2020511556122
31 January 20216515888
5 December 202168150*83
  1. Matters Arising
    1. None
    1. proposed by John Henry Robinson
    2. Seconded by Ian Drew
    3. Carried Unanimously
    1. IAN
      1. We started off the year with a TYRO at Whitwell in April, which is becoming a popular site for our club in terms of location (the pub across the road is always a nice end to the day!) and versatility of the site.
      2. We then had Heath and Reach in June where the attendance was amazing, the sun was out and we even had a fly past from the red arrows.
      3. Twinney Woods in Oct didn’t have the best attendance, but those who went had a fab time with a section even being set up by our very own Josh Drew! 
      4. Weston Underwood was set up for me by Russ Beck and his helpers (with another section from Josh who seems to have found his calling in life.  It was a great trial especially coming into it fresh as I was unavailable for set up, but again trial day suffered from poor attendance.
      5. Whitwell will be the location of our Christmas TYRO, so if you don’t have the date in your diary already, it is this Sunday so tinsel up your vehicle and put your Christmas jumper on to support the last event of the year. 
      6. Trials attendance this year has been hit and miss with a couple of planned events being cancelled due to lack of interest (Quainton in July and Codicote Autotest at the beginning of October).  This is disappointing to say the least as myself and some other members give up their time to help set up and make good events for all to enjoy, with interest registered on the Facebook events page, then only a couple of vehicles turn up on the day.  This is something we will have to look at moving forward and if anyone has any ideas, please feel free to contact me separately.
    2. Matters Arising
      1. None
      1. proposed by Michael Hardy
      2. Seconded by Russ Beck
      3. Carried Unanimously
    1. GAIL
      1. Covid Report;
        1. “My apologies for not being present in person this evening, ironically, I am awaiting a PCR test result.
        2. This year has continued to be ever changing and evolving in respect to COVID regulations and guidance.
        3. On behalf of the club, we continue to thank you for your support, understanding, and feedback through this extraordinary time. I would like to thank those who have organised and supported events in whatever form, with COVID risk management and compliance being a top priority.
        4. MSUK continue to have their COVID guidance available on their Resource Centre, the Safety Team have confirmed to me that the latest Government Guidance will continue to supersede some of their published guidance  already in place, including in relation to close contacts, and they are currently looking at the changes regarding masks. The club continues to respond to such changes and adhere to latest Government guidance.
        5. If you have any feedback or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me. In the meantime, stay safe.
      2. Child and Adults Safeguarding Report
        1. MSUK have continued to update their policies and guidance surrounding this, as part of their Re-start programme. 
        2. Club wise: child and adult welfare continues to be paramount. We all have responsibilities towards this.
        3. Thank you to our Marshals, Scrutineers, and Clerks of the Course for continuing to support events and being as accessible as possible for all, whilst keeping safety as paramount.” 
    2. Matters Arising
      1. None
    3. Acceptance of the SAFEGUARDING OFFICER’S REPORT
      1. proposed by Neill Campbell
      2. Seconded by Chris Woor
      3. Carried Unanimously
    1. DANIEL
      1. “So, this year has been better than last as we made it to a couple of shows! 
      2. Billing was a huge success with a full club stand.  The general feedback was it was so nice to see people again and have a bit of “normal” back. 
      3. Peterborough too was another full event, with a great pitch close to the arena.
      4. Face to face pub nights returned in August and from the growing attendance we have had, we can see they were missed.
      5. We also had the 20th Birthday Bash at Tixover which was great fun for those who attended, however for a special event for our club, attendance was disappointing.
      6. I am still trying to sort out the Christmas “do” so keep an eye out on the Facebook page. 
      7. I am leaving the role of Social Secretary due to work and study commitments, but I will still be actively involved in the club so will still see you around!”
    2. Matters Arising
      1. None
    3. Acceptance of the SOCIAL SECRETARY’S REPORT
      1. proposed by John Henry Robinson
      2. Seconded by Michael Hardy
      3. Carried Unanimously
    1. MICHAEL
      1. This year we introduced the new website, this took longer than initially expected but we are now launched and have laid the foundations to add new features on top of.  There were two main aims for the website:
        1. Automate the membership joining and renewals process as much as possible.
        2. Secure the membership data on a secure database
      2. Previously we managed memberships on a password protected spreadsheet that was stored locally, now we are in a database behind firewalls that can be accessed by the membership secretary through the web.
      3. We do have future plans for the site, we are looking at features like events calendars and even a shop feature where we can advertise the contents of the club shop and take payment online. Also looking to publish articles after events to show the club activity to potential new members.
      4. I welcome other suggestions for features you would like to see, please email with any suggestions or improvements.
    2. Matters Arising
      1. None
      1. proposed by John Henry Robinson
      2. Seconded by Colin Solley
      3. Carried Unanimously
    1. NEILL
      1. Owing to Covid-19 Restrictions we were not able to run as many outings as we would have wished this year. I hope that next year will not be quite so constrained, but we have to wait and see.
      2. Hertfordshire Lanes on our usual routes have been in good condition when we have used them this year. There were a couple of trips there this year by a number of groups.
      3. Norfolk/Suffolk/Cambs Lanes in and around Thetford Forest and between Cambridge and Newmarket have been in good condition despite efforts of some irresponsible drivers (not on our outings) to trash sone parts by going off piste in a few places. We had one Club outing there this year.
      4. There was a planned outing to Leicestershire on a midweek date which sadly had to be cancelled owing to the (thankfully short-lived) fuel crisis, as some of those due to attend could not get fuel. An earlier outing on as different route showed the Leicestershire lanes in excellent condition and almost all “all-weather” routes (subject to care at a ford which can be deep!). A laneing route in Leicestershire was available for those attending the Birthday Bash, but there were no takers on the day. At least that shows that there was enough to entertain attendees at the Tixover site!
      5. With the help of our Membership Secretary Tony Froud and Tony Phillips we recceed a route in Essex whilst the ground was still dry. The route was excellent, if a bit scratchy in places but parts will be unusable when the ground is wet, so a summer/autumn route only, for next year!
      6. If there is enough interest, next year, I have some good routes in further parts of Norfolk, in the Peak District and in Northumbria. We also have details of routes in Wales, some of which Ian Drew and others did this Autumn.
      7. It remains the case that nearly all the few remaining green lanes in Bedfordshire which should have been open between May and November remained closed in 2021.
      8. Many thanks to others who have led groups and supported and taken part in our laneing activities this year.
      9. For 2021/22 if anyone would like to take over as Green Lanes Officer, I will happily stand down and support him/her. Also, happy to do another year if wanted!
    2. Matters Arising
      1. None
    3. Acceptance of the GREEN LANE OFFICER’S REPORT
      1. proposed by Chris Woor
      2. Seconded by Colin Argent
      3. Carried Unanimously
    1. RUSS and JOHN
      1. It was with a heavy heart that Russ resigned recently from his post as chairman. But with events opening up it was not appropriate for him to carry on remotely in the role, from his new home in Devon. “I’d like to thank all the committee and members for their support through occasionally difficult circumstances.
      2. As a life member, you won’t be getting rid of me soon, but attendance at events will sadly be infrequent. But I do look forward to reading about them and occasionally writing about them with my other hat on.
      3. A special thanks to Daniel, for whom circumstances have also made this the time to go. Thank you for your service to our club.
      4. John temporarily stood in as Chairman following the recent resignation of Russ.
      5. We thank you Russ for your support in your tenure in the chair where you were regularly visible and approachable.  You ran the Club during the most difficult of times, during the COVID pandemic, when live events were scarce and you had to lead ZOOM gatherings. We all send our thanks to you Russ, as well as our best wishes for good health and happiness in your new home.  Please keep in touch.
      6. Thank you also to all the members who supported Ian, Neill, and Daniel in the events that they organised and special thanks to Ian, Matt and Neill too for all their efforts on behalf of the members.
      7. Thanks also go to our “behind the scenes officers” who often strive for the club, behind closed doors, out of sight, at home. So, thank you to Michael, Tony, Gail and Andrew.
    2. Matters Arising
      1. None
    3. Acceptance of the CHAIRMAN’S REPORT
      1. proposed by Michael Hardy
      2. Seconded by Colin Solley
      3. Carried Unanimously
      1. this explains the position of the incumbent Member at the time of Notice for the AGM. 
      1. Please see Appendix 2 for Job Descriptions for your information.
      1. Any Member can stand for any of the roles below with the support of a Proposer and Seconder and use of the Nomination Form at Appendix 3.
        1. Chairman & a Director                     Sarah Drew is proposed by Neill Campbell and Seconded by Michael Hardy. There being no other nominations, Sarah is elected.
        1. Company Secretary & a Director     Sarah Drew is proposed by Neill Campbell and Seconded by Michael Hardy. There being no other nominations, Sarah is elected.
        1. Treasurer & a Director                     COLIN ARGENT is available and willing to continue the role. 
        1. Communications Officer                 MICHAEL HARDY is available and willing to adopt the role.   
        1. Social Officer                                   DANIEL DREW is not available, nominations are requested. None were forthcoming at the meeting so the Committee will discuss this at the next meeting.
        1. Competitions Officer                      IAN DREW is available and willing to continue the role. 
        1. Green Roads Officer                       NEILL CAMPBELL is available and willing to continue the role.
        1. Membership Officer                      TONY FROUD is available and willing to continue the role.
        1. Safeguarding Officer                       GAIL PARFITT is available and willing to continue the role.
    1. Sales Officer                                            MATT WALKER is available and willing to continue the role.
    2. Equipment Officer                                ANDREW BRODERICK Ian and Colin presently hold most of the Club Assets and are willing to continue as custodians of such until further notice.
  9. All in favour of the election of officers En-bloc.
    1. proposed by John Henry Robinson
    2. Seconded by Neill Campbell
    3. Carried Unanimously
  10. THIS ENDS THE BUSINESS OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING – ANY OTHER BUSINESS will not be discussed at the AGM.  At the end of the AGM a discussion will follow. Points raised for consideration will be taken to the next Committee meeting for consideration.
    1. All business shall be deemed special that is transacted …at an Annual General Meeting, with the exception of the consideration of the accounts, balance sheets, and the reports of the Directors and auditors, the election of Directors in place of those retiring and the appointment of, and the fixing of the remuneration, of the auditors.

Appendix 1

Beds Herts and Cambs Land Rover Club Limited

Accounts for the period 1 June 2020 to 31 May 2021

 Trials £1,061.00 
 Donations £13.00 
 Income £2,294.00 
 General -£441.35 
 Trials -£1,094.80 
 Green Lanes -£59.00 
 Equipment -£499.16 
 Expenditure  -£2,151.00
 SURPLUS  £143.00
 Bank  £2,740.78
Comparable accounts for 2020 and 2019 can be seen in appendix 5.

Appendix 2


  1. General responsibilities for all officers include assisting in the business and activities in running the club, as well as attending a monthly meeting and providing a short monthly report; Below are the specifics against each of the roles.
    1. Chairperson – Committee role
      1. To manage and run meetings against the agreed Agenda
      2. To take lead on resolving any difficulties
      3. Provide support to Committee members
      4. Be the public face of the Club
    2. Company Secretary – Committee role
      1. Ensuring meetings are effectively organised and minuted
      2. Maintaining effective records and administration including at Companies House and HMRC.
      3. Committee communication and correspondence
    3. Treasurer – Committee role
      1. General financial management
      2. Financial reporting
      3. Banking, book-keeping and record keeping
    4. Membership Secretary – Committee Role
      1. Receive membership applications and verify acceptability
      2. Issue membership cards and stickers
      3. Manage subscriptions on acceptance and annually
      4. Maintain privacy of membership details.
    5. Competitions Officer – Committee role
      1. Agree competition dates for year, booking sites as appropriate
      2. Manage setting out and taking down as required for the competition
      3. Manage (or delegate) for Competition day(s)
    6. Competitions Secretary – Committee role
      1. To assist Competitions Officer as needed for the events
      2. Carry out Administration support and liaise with MSUK for permits etc. required
    7. Greenlanes Officer – Committee role
      1. Agree green lane dates for year, and publish/co-ordinate attendees and leaders
      2. Manage maps and leader groups as required for the green lane areas (Keeping an eye on any Closures noted)
      3. Manage (or delegate) for green lane day(s)
    8. Communications and WEB site Officer – Committee role
      1. Maintain the web site and Facebook sites
      2. Consolidate content and publish occasional electronic newsletters to members
      3. Maintain the ‘Mailchimp’ and Forum membership lists against current member lists
    9. Social Officer – Committee role
      1. To manage club events at 4×4 shows etc.
      2. To agree, publish and manage occasional club social nights
    10. Club Shopkeeper (non committee role)
      1. Acquire suitable supplies which will be of interest to the Club Members.
      2. Record and control stock items in a register.
      3. Market and sell items to Club Members, recording the sales income and account to the Treasurer with the sales proceeds.
    11. Child Protection Officer – Committee role
      1. Comply with the CPO laws and regulations
      2. Handle any complaints.
      3. Report to the authorities as appropriate.
    12. Equipment Officer – (non committee role)
      1. Acquire suitable supplies which will be of interest to the Club Members and their Club activities.
      2. Record and control stock items in a register and to whom they are loaned out to.
      3. Market and sell items that become surplus to requirements.
      4. Recording the sales income and account to the Treasurer with the sales proceeds. Sensitively disposing of scrapped items.
  2. If you think you can help and assist by doing or just helping any of these roles in their club business, then please get in touch.


Beds Herts and Cambs

land rover club LIMITED

Nomination Form


43                                  No person who is not a Member of the Company shall in any circumstances be eligible to hold office as a Member of the Committee.

Nomination forms should reach the Secretary before the start time of the meeting at 13 Old Garden Court, St Albans, AL34RQ, Herts, or at the meeting.

Committee Position______________________________________________

Nominee Name_____________________________________________________

Membership Number_______________________Paid up Y/N________

Signature __________________________________________________

Proposer Name_____________________________________________________

Membership Number________________________Paid up Y/N_______

Signature __________________________________________________

Seconder Name_____________________________________________________

Membership Number________________________Paid up Y/N_______

Signature __________________________________________________


Approved in order by the Membership Secretary________________________


Beds Herts and Cambs

land rover club LIMITED

Proxy Instrument

I ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­________________________________________________Membership Number_______Paid up Y/N

Address and Post Code ­_________________________________________________________________

Being a fully paid up Member of the Beds Herts and Cambs Land Rover Club, hereby appoint

Proxy Name _______________________________________Membership Number_______Paid up Y/N

Address and Post Code _________________________________________________________________

To be my proxy in all matters regarding the 2016 AGM.

Signed ____________________________________________________________________ Member

Signed _______________________________________________________________Proxy Appointee

 Date Executed______________________________________________________________________

  1. The instrument appointing a proxy shall be in Writing under the hand of the appointer or of his or her attorney duly authorised in Writing, or, if the appointer is a corporation, either under seal or under the hand of an officer or attorney duly authorised.  A proxy need not be a Member of the Company.
  2. The instrument appointing a proxy and the power of attorney or other authority, if any, under which it is signed or a notarially certified copy of that power or authority shall be deposited at the registered office of the Company or at such other place within the United Kingdom as it is specified for that purpose in the notice convening the meeting, not less than 48 hours before the time of holding the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the person named in the instrument proposes to vote, or in the case of a poll, not less than 24 hours before the time appointed for the taking of the poll, and in default the instrument of proxy shall not be treated as valid.


  • An instrument appointing a proxy shall be in a form decided as appropriate from time to time by the Committee and shall be designed to fit the circumstances of the meeting at which it is to be utilised.
  • The instrument appointing a proxy shall be deemed to confer authority to demand or join in demanding a poll.
  • A vote given in accordance with the terms of an instrument of proxy shall be valid notwithstanding the previous death or insanity of the principal or revocation of the proxy or of the authority under which the proxy was executed, provided that no intimation in Writing of such death, insanity or revocation as aforesaid shall have been received by the Company at the office before the commencement of the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the proxy is used.

Appendix 5


Beds Herts and Cambs land rover club LIMITED

MINUTES of the 2020/2021 Annual General Meeting


TUESDAY 2nd February 2021 starting at 7.30pm via “ZOOM”

      1. No business shall be transacted at any General Meeting unless a quorum of Members is present at the time when the meeting proceeds to business; save as herein otherwise provided, 25 Members present in person or, if less, 25% of Members present in person shall be a quorum.  
      1. Every Full, Additional Member (Adult), Additional Member (Junior aged 13-17), Life and Complimentary Member, other than the Chairman shall have one vote.  P.S. Family Members have a vote each.
    1. NONE
  3. IN THE CHAIR – 
    1. RUSS BROWN, Club Chairman
      1. None
      1. proposed by John Robinson.
      1. Seconded by Colin Argent
      1. Carried Unanimously
      1. The accounts for the last year are at appendix 1. 
      1. The club finances are healthy. 
      1. Membership income has continued, and our expenditure has been low as we have not been able to organise much this year.
      1. The club has no outstanding liabilities. 
      1. Subscriptions will stay unchanged.
    1. Matters Arising
      1. None
      1. proposed by John Robinson.
      1. Seconded by Russ Brown
      1. Carried Unanimously
      1. Companies House is up to date and in order.
      1. Agendas have been issued to all Committee Members prior to meetings and Minutes have been kept.
      1. We have one resignation from the Committee this year so we will need a replacement Green Lanes Officer.
    1. Matters Arising
      1. None
    1. Acceptance of the SECRETARY’S REPORT
      1. proposed by Ian Drew
      1. Seconded by Rob Barrett
      1. Carried Unanimously
    1. IAN DREW
      1. I would like to thank everybody who has supported the club trials in these strange and difficult times. Lots of events had to be cancelled however we did manage to get a few fun days under where and when we could!
      1. We kicked off the year with a TYRO/ RTV at Spellbrook in February, a site we have not used for several years! It was a good turn out for a winter trial, but little did we know that would be our only event until August.
      1. With Lockdown 1 restrictions lifting, my thanks go to Colin Argent for arranging and running the second trial, a TYRO at Whitwell… and what an amazing day it turned out to be! The hottest day of the year and the best turnout we have had in quite a while. It was great to see both old and new faces, with some newer and rather shiny vehicles in the mix!  
      1. Our 3rd event was a TYRO/ RTV at Heath and Reach, but unfortunately the good weather didn’t stick with us and it felt like the coldest and wettest day of the year instead! Considering the weather, it was still a good turnout and the event was won by a new member in his Toyota Hi Lux with his roof top tent still attached and enjoying the ride!
      1. We then had our Christmas trial, returning to Whitwell.  This really is a site for all seasons, transforming from a lovely TYRO to a boggy swamp in places (ask Colin about the fun he had!).  
      1. Hopefully, restrictions will ease this year and I am already in discussions with landowners and populating the events area on the Facebook members page with planned trials and events, so watch this space!
    1. Matters Arising
      1. None
      1. proposed by John Robinson.
      1. Seconded by Sarah Drew
      1. Carried Unanimously
      1. What an extraordinary year of unforeseen events.  This time, a year ago in 2020, we were witnessing the first confirmed UK cases of the COVID-19 virus pandemic, with matters unfolding in the UK and worldwide at an unprecedented rate, soon leading to the start of our first National Lockdown in March 2020, with proportionate national restrictions being put in place by our Government to limit the spread and devastating impact of the Virus.  National, and local restrictions have continued to change and evolve, as too the impact of the virus, changing the way we carry out all aspects of our daily lives – at least temporarily, to protect ourselves, our family, our community, and our nation. This includes every operational aspect of our Club.  We continue to be in another National Lockdown presently, hence our AGM this year being held virtually.
      1. Club wise, I would first and foremost like to thank each member of this club for your continued support through these extraordinary times.  This includes organising and attending events that went ahead within COVID-19 rules and restrictions where permitted, whether virtually or physically, your continued online presence, offering positive support and much needed banter on social media to challenge isolation, and your positivity, flexibility and understanding when plans change, or are postponed in order for the Club to respond appropriately to the COVID-19 situation. 
      1. Officer wise, I have continued in my role as Safeguarding Officer throughout this year. The Club as a member of Motorsport UK, requires the appointment of a Safeguarding Officer, and following the ‘green light’ for Motorsport to resume on 4th July 2020 coming out of the first lockdown, it also requires the appointment of a COVID-19 Officer to ensure that when permittable events are organised, COVID-19 guidance and rules are adhered to.  
      1. As a Club we continue to follow and adopt Motorsport UK’s guidance, rules, and training in safeguarding and COVID-19 matters, as well as adhering to local and national statutory guidance and legislation.   These expectations are very reflexive, with current guidance and legislation being applied to each circumstance, and I continue to be available to discuss these or any queries/concerns you may have.   The welfare of our club members (big and small) continues to be paramount.
      1. I have great hopes for the upcoming year.  The current Committee have continued to plan for events, dates for diaries, with further review closer to time. Our Government’s response to COVID-19 and public health management is ever evolving.  Things will continue to feel unsettled for a while and we all must continue to manage our own individual risks and considerations.  However, I liken it to a trial day, with the current challenges being like the course canes:  one thing I that believe we are good at as members, is continuing to support each other with navigating through unfamiliar territory and overcoming obstacles. Let us continue to do so. 
    1. Matters Arising
      1. None
    1. Acceptance of the SAFEGUARDING OFFICER’S REPORT
  1. proposed by John Robinson.
  1. Seconded by Andy Broderick
  1. Carried Unanimously
      • It has been an uneventful year in respect of membership activities.
      • It took a month or two to get on top of the situation because there were a lot of overdue/expired memberships to follow up on and clarify. This went ahead quite quickly and, with the first COVID lockdown curtailing all activities, it was decided that renewals (upcoming from May 2020 onwards) would be for 18 months. This was a relatively easy change to track and from that point onwards, existing members renewing would get an 18-month period for the price of 12 months! New members only got 12 months. This is an ongoing process which will not be completed until May 2021.
      • The actual process and activity of the Membership Secretary has not changed that much in that the existing Excel based membership database is still the core of the system, albeit I froze the one I inherited as a baseline reference document (Main Table Nov 19 GDPR) and rolled forward with a new version (BHCLRC.Membership.02022020) to track changes on an on-going basis.
      • Going forward Michael and I are tasked with developing a much more interactive website so that many of the routine tasks of the membership secretary (joining the club, completing the necessary data required, renewals, data updates, routine chasers, follow-ups, and advices etc.) can be handled pretty much automatically and/or by the members themselves. The definition of the actual requirements and the time and resources to do this have not yet been resolved and the current COVID 19 lockdown situations are a major obstacle for us to move forward at this time. This will be discudded further by the new committee
      • Anyway, as far as actual membership status is concerned the following table provides some insight and shows that although the “current” membership has decreased significantly (122 to 88), the “active” membership has increased (51 to 65), which, it has to be said, is quite good going since we haven’t been able to offer a lot in the way of activities!
DatePaid UpLife / ComplimentaryOverdueTOTAL
10th January 2020511556122
31st January 20216515888

The reason for this is clear when you consider that there was a significant backlog of renewal activity for January-September 2019 (56) and once this had been cleared up there were only 8 renewals outstanding from the period October-December 2020. That said, there are a further 9 renewals outstanding from January 2021 and they are still currently listed as active. Members stay “active” until 3 months past their renewal and after 2 reminders. They are then deleted from the database in accordance with the GDPR. The bottom line is that active membership (people who pay their subs and participate in activities) has increased slightly and that is the major take away going forward. It appears people do want to meet up with others and mess around in their Land Rovers!!

  • Matters Arising
    • Tony updates Facebook with additions and deletions. He will verify this annually.
    • 16 new members since January 2020.
  1. proposed by John Robinson.
  1. Seconded by Michael Hardy
  1. Carried Unanimously
      1. With the COVID-19 difficulties we have had this year, the social side has been rather challenging.  
      1. Camping events such as Billing and Peterborough were cancelled, and we only managed to get a couple of pub-based pub nights to take place.  
      1. However, with the joys of technology, Russ set up zoom pub nights which may not have attracted the attendance figures we were hoping for, but it was good to have a quick catch up with everyone.  
      1. Here’s hoping the restrictions ease soon while keeping everyone safe, as I for one am missing the pizza at the Green Man!
    1. Matters Arising
      1. None
    1. Acceptance of the SOCIAL SECRETARY’S REPORT
      1. proposed by John Robinson.
      1. Seconded by Gail Parfitt
      1. Carried Unanimously
    1. CHRIS WOOR / MICHAEL HARDYJohn explained that Chris was not able to carry on due to crazy work commitments, so the Committee approached Michael to take.
      1. Since the last AGM there has been some tremendous changes that no one could have predicted, everything we know has changed and seeing the world change and adapt has been inspiring.
      1. I would like to thank Chris for all his hard work and dedication. Despite having a job that only got busier with COVID-19 Chris has managed to support a his company’s IT needs remotely and still manage the BHCLRC communications.
      1. It’s been rewarding to be able to give back to the club and assist Chris in the last few months.
    1. Matters Arising
      1. None
      1. proposed by John Robinson.
      1. Seconded by Ian Drew
      1. Carried Unanimously
      1. There was no established club member available to take on the organising of Club Green Laning at the last AGM.   I was both new to Green Laning and to the Club.  I was also newly retired.  I had time on my hands so I offered to take on the task on the basis that established members would help provide guidance. A number of members did come forward and offered to help.  
      1. A quite successful outing was organised in March 2020 with two groups meeting at Stevenage Leisure park followed by two established members Colin and Neil leading the two groups on a full day outing (with lunch break) in and around Hertfordshire.  I believe everyone enjoyed themselves and at the time it was hoped that this would be the first of a number of events to follow.  
      1. However, shortly after this the Pandemic arrived and set in and became the new normal.  The result was   many core social activities both inside and outside of the club came to a halt.   I think everyone is aware of the impact the pandemic has had on work, social and personal activities.   The Lockdown impacted to the effect that normal routines were no longer permissible with national prescribed mandatory guidance been given as to what one could and could not do in terms of social activities and in meeting others.
      1. As 2020 came toward the end the effect of the Pandemic appeared to have dwindled but by Christmas it was clear the situation was rapidly deteriorating, and it quickly became severe.  It is only now February 2021 with the arrival of numerous vaccines and a promising decline in Corona virus figures that a return to normal activities can be considered and planned for. 
      1. If the situation continues to improve then late spring or early summer will bring a return to near normal routine.   Work, social and personal activities will be revitalised.  It will be time soon to plan activities and renew and make new friendships. 
      1. The Club will require a Green Laning Officer. I regret to advise I will not be in a position to continue this task or to significantly assist.  I am no longer in the position I was at the last AGM.  At that time, I was newly retired had time on my hands and was looking to develop new hobbies and interests.   This was a core reason in taking on the Green Laning task.   However, I am no longer retired.   Having first returned to work part-time I was invited to return full time and decided to do so.  I am working on an Emergency Service that operates mainly at weekends and overnight thus my time for weekend social activities is very limited with most of the spare time I have been already spoken for.   I am not in a position to continue as Green Laning Officer.  I am not standing for re-election.    I am, however, very aware that there is a wealth of green Laning experience within the membership and would hope that a member could come forward. I will not be able to assist with this task and given my current work pressures it will be difficult for me to attend, except the occasional event.   I would, however, like to continue as a member of the club and intend to attend events if and when I can.
      1. I thank you for making me welcome within the club and for those who helped organise the pre-pandemic Green Lane Trip.  I look forward to the Pandemic being over and to the Land Rover Club returning to normal routines and activities.
    1. Matters Arising
      1. None
      1. proposed by John Robinson.
      1. Seconded by Neill Campbell
      1. Carried Unanimously
      1. I would like to thank all of the committee for their service, in what has been a tough year. Also, to all the members who enthusiastically supported the few events we could offer in these inclement times. As we approach our 20th anniversary I reflect on what a great club we have created. It goes way beyond a shared interest in a brand of vehicles. It is a point of contact for kindred spirits where life-long friendships have been forged. I am pleased to see applications for all the committee roles, to take the club forward into whatever the ‘new normal’ has to offer. Now looking forward to seeing you all at an event sometime soon. 
    1. Matters Arising
      1. None
    1. Acceptance of the CHAIRMAN’S REPORT
      1. proposed by John Robinson.
      1. Seconded by Ian Drew
      1. Carried Unanimously
      1. this explains the position of the incumbent Member at the time of Notice for the AGM and nothing has changed.
      1. Any Member can stand for any of the roles below with the support of a Proposer and Seconder and use of the Nomination Form at Appendix 3.
        1. Chairman & a Director                             RUSS BROWN is available and willing to continue the role. 
        1. Company Secretary & a Director             JOHN ROBINSON is available and willing to continue the role. 
        1. Treasurer & a Director                             COLIN ARGENT is available and willing to continue the role. 
        1. Communications Officer                         MICHAEL HARDY is available and willing to adopt the role.  
        1. Social Officer                                           DANIEL DREW is available and willing to continue the role. 
        1. Competitions Officer                              IAN DREW is available and willing to continue the role. 
        1. Green Roads Officer                       STEPHEN KAY is not available, nominations are                                requested.
        1. Membership Officer                                TONY FROUD is available and willing to continue the role.
        1. Safeguarding Officer                                GAIL PARFITT is available and willing to continue the role.
      1. Acceptance of the CONTINUING OFFICER ROLES as set out above.
        1. proposed by John Robinson.
        1. Seconded by Russ Brown
        1. Carried Unanimously
      1. Acceptance of the proposed Green Roads Officer
        1. NAME –  Neill Campbell assisted by Bob Barrett
          1. proposed by John Robinson.
          1. Seconded by Colin Argent
          1. Carried Unanimously
      1. Sales Officer                                                    MATT WALKER is available and willing to continue the role.
      1. Equipment Officer                                          ANDREW BRODERICK is available and willing to continue the role. 
    • NO OTHER BUSINESS will be discussed at the AGM. 
    • At the end of the AGM a discussion will follow. Points raised for consideration will be taken to the next Committee meeting for consideration.
    • All business shall be deemed special that is transacted …at an Annual General Meeting, with the exception of the consideration of the accounts, balance sheets, and the reports of the Directors and auditors, the election of Directors in place of those retiring and the appointment of, and the fixing of the remuneration, of the auditors.

Beds Herts and Cambs Land Rover Club Limited

Accounts for the period 1 June 2018 to 31 May 2020

 2020 £2019 £
Reserves as of 1 June 2020/20193,3634,138
Membership subscriptions1,490897
Competition equipment
Club shop
Other income
4×4 Response Donation and Deposit Write Off
Green Lane Donation(250)
General expenses(447)(629)
Net (deficit) for the year to 31 May834(775)
Balance on 31 May4,1973,363
Represented by:-  
                Cash and bank4,1973,363

END – John H Robinson, Company Secretary, 27th September 2021